Traveling scuba diving exhibit visits the Valley
PHOENIX, Ariz. (KSAZ) - Westworld is hosting the travel expo this weekend. But before you pack you bags and dive in, how about a little practice? That's what the exhibit Go Dive Now is all about.
When it comes to scuba diving, not everyone wants to jump right in. That's what makes traveling exhibit Go Dive Now a great first step. A way to get your toe in the water.
"We're just trying to show folks how easy it is to dive in any event," said Dave Reidenbach. "We've got the suits, we've got the towels in the middle of winter, we even have hair dryers."
With their portable 30 foot, 15,000 gallon pool, it's a way to get the introduction to scuba in a safe, controlled environment.
"The pool is only 42 inches deep, if you are nervous for some reason you can stand up," says Reidenbach.
Dave says he's had hundreds of success stories that start off with hesitation but end with an enthusiasm for diving.
"I've got one gentleman in the LA area and he did it last year and he's now working full time at a dive store and working on instructing now so it does turn a lot of people on," explained Reidenbach.
The exhibit makes it's way around the U.S. stopping at travel expos, sharing with folks the latest and greatest with two-way, audio and visual technology for added underwater fun.
"Once we go ahead and get them changed, registered, we get them in the water, they put a mask on, learn how to breathe in the water, they go swim for about 10-15 minutes, play with the toys and just realize how easy it is to dive," said Reidenbach.