Valley resident competes in Coupled show

A new dating reality show debuted on FOX 10, "Coupled" is set in the Carribean and follows 12 single women looking for love. One of them is a former Miss Arizona and a valley resident.

Phoenix native and ASU alum, Alicia Monique-Blanco is one of the contestants, she calls the whole experience incredible.

"I would absolutely do it again, it was one of the biggest learning experiences of my life," said Alicia Monique-Blanco.

Alicia admits she was skeptical to go on the show and didn't think it was possible for couples actually fall in love.

"The chemistry you feel the compatibility. It's a very real thing. At first, there're cameras everywhere, and it takes a while to adjust. After a while, you get used to the cameras, and you kind of forget that they're there, and you're just really living. You're really putting yourself out there, and it becomes real life," she said.

Just like a dating app the women have two choices.

Coupled airs on FOX 10 every Tuesday at 8 p.m.