WATCH: Douglasville server helps man without hands eat his lunch

A Douglasville server took time out of his hectic day to help a disabled man eat his lunch. A photo of the kind act quickly went viral and now the server is gaining national attention after surveillance video was released too.

The picture was taken Sunday by Reginald Widener and shows Cinco De Mayo Mexican Grill waiter Alex Ruis helping feed a man with no hands.

"This seriously hit me right in the soul," Widener said on Facebook. "Still good people in the world."

Ruis, who had never seen the disabled man before, told FOX 5 the response on social media has made an impact on his life, seeing how something he did affected a lot of people in a good way.

Ruis said he talked with the man about normal things including where the stranger was from and if he had family in the area. The man told Ruis he was surprised by his kindness and left saying "God Bless you."

Ruis said he hopes people will have a heart to help people in need after watching the surveillance video.

APP USERS: View Widener's Facebook post here.