Actor James Franco & his brother collab on artwork featured at ASU Art Museum

What would have been sewer pipes have now been turned into works of art by actor James Franco and his brother, Tom.

They call themselves the Pipe Brothers.

"The company that makes these vitrified clay pipes, these sewer pipes is Mission Clay Products and they're based here in Phoenix. And they create something like, 15,000 tons of these clay pipes every year," said Garth Johnson, the curator.

They give some of the 750 pound pipes away for artists to use, carve, paint, or do whatever they want with them to create art.

"Artists come from all over the world and they can work in the Phoenix factory and they get used to the pipes. They can carve, they can color, they can glaze, they can shape anyway that they want and t hen the factory fires them along with the rest of their pieces and they are incredibly durable. They can be used for public art and they can be put outdoors," Johnson Said.

The pieces by the Pipe Brothers depict different scenes and emotions.

The exhibit will be at the ASU Art Museum through September 23, 2017.