Arizona couple shares IVF journey just as their son takes his first steps

An Arizona couple used in vitro fertilization to get the family of their dreams, and the baby they never thought was possible just took his first steps.

Stephanie and Jasmine Kalili have been married for five years and say, "We always knew we wanted to be moms, we just didn’t know how that was going to happen."

Stephanie is an Amazon employee, and the company offers IVF they’re inclusive for same-sex couples, so they could both be a part of the process.

It's a perk that encouraged Stephanie to get a job at one of the online giant's warehouses in south Phoenix. The costs of IVF treatments are so prohibitive that Stephanie and Jasmine say without the company's help, they wouldn't have their son today.

"Essentially we used Jasmine’s eggs and then fertilized them with a donor. And then I carried, so we implanted. I carried through the pregnancy, and now we have Nakoa," Stephanie said.

They tried once, the first embryo, and it took.

"He's here and we’ve really been able to start our family, it’s something that we’re extremely grateful for and extremely happy about," Jasmine said.

It wasn't an easy process, and at times, they felt like no one in their lives understood what they were going through. But, it was worth it.

Jasmine says, "We look at him, and then we always look at each other, and we’re just like, ‘Oh my goodness, how could he get any better?’"

You can learn more about Amazon's IFV treatment program here:

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