Arizona GOP delegate plans to break ranks at convention, won't support Trump

It's just days away from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, and a state delegate is making waves because she says she will not support presumptive nominee Donald Trump at the convention. The Arizona Republican Party is responding with a strong reprimand, saying her refusal to comply is basically her resignation.

Trump won the Presidential Primary here in March. The GOP says all 58 delegates going to the convention now have to vote for Trump. The GOP says they plan to replace her with someone who will "follow the rules," and that is not sitting well with her.

"I'm your typical Republican, I have been one since I was 18," said Lori Hack.

Hack is one of 58 delegates scheduled to represent Arizona in Cleveland.

"I think Ted Cruz said it best, he's amoral, he's a pathological liar, and he's a narcissist. That's pretty serious, and that's pretty much true," said Hack.

The statement has landed her in hot water with the Arizona GOP.

"Every elected delegate has to sign a pledge that they will vote for Donald Trump in round number one, now if somebody says they are not going to do that they will no longer be a delegate," explained Avinash Iragavarpu, Executive Director.

The GOP says her statement is her resignation letter, and she will be replaced. Hack disagrees and isn't going down without a fight.

"I have not resigned. I am a delegate, and I am heading to Cleveland," said Hack.

"If somebody says they will not play by the rules, they will no longer be a delegate," said Iragavarapu.

"I'm grateful to be here, but I'm not surprised with the tactics that have been leveled to me, and to others in the Republican party by the people in our state. It's disappointing, but again to do the right thing sometimes it means you won't be liked, and that's okay," said Hack.

Hack says she has her ticket and is planning to be in Cleveland. A non-profit group called "Delegates Unbound," says they have done the legal checking and that delegates are free to vote as they choose.