Arizona's Sen. Flake supportive of tax plan, but wants tweaks

MESA, Ariz. (AP) - Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake is heaping praise on the Republican tax overhaul bill working its way through Congress, but still wants tweaks before he agrees to vote for the bill.

The Republican told aerospace company workers in Mesa, Arizona, Friday that corporate tax cuts are needed to restore America's global competitiveness. He says they will help boost the economy and the added growth will help erase the extra $1.5 trillion in deficits the current Congressional proposal anticipates.

But Flake says he not yet a yes vote because "gimmicks" that keep the plan within Senate rules on deficit impacts need to be fixed. Most concerning are phasing out of individual tax cuts and business expensing portions after five years.

Flake says his experience is those will be extended, boosting the deficit.