Battle continues over Invest in Ed initiative
PHOENIX (KSAZ) -- As the fight for education funding gets ready to head to the ballot box, the battle continues over Proposition 207.
That's the Invest in Ed initiative that will ask voters whether or not to raise taxes for people that make more than $250,000, and the language in that question could make a difference in how voters answer it.
"As an educator we want to make sure that the voters are informed and they know what it is and I don't think that' clearly stated in the proposition," said Arizona teacher Joy Funk.
Teachers gathered Saturday in front of state lawmakers to make sure the wording wasn't biased, and a judge agreed with Invest in Ed officials, saying lawmakers needed to rewrite it.
In doing so today, they took out the description of where the money would go and teachers want that back in.
"They're going to go to teacher salaries, classrooms, resources, full day kindergarten," said Josh Buckley, Co-Chairman for Invest in Ed.
This, teachers say, rather than starting the proposition with who will be taxed.
"It's a very important decision that will change the funding in our schools," said Arizona teacher Alexis Aguirre. "We need a clear description of what it is and let them know the nitty gritty of how we will be increasing that funding by taxing top less than 1% of Arizona earners."