Bike sharing becomes latest trend to get you around town

Peter Leslie hopped on one of the many shareable bikes in Scottsdale today. It was his first time using one and he loved it.

"I think that's really cool, this is the first time I'm doing it," he said. "I was walking to Chase Bank and my leg just started hurting. I saw the bike and I'm going to give it a shot. I got my phone and downloaded the app."

There are no shortage of companies offering the two wheelers, but unlike the Grid bikes that need to be docked, LimeBike and OFO bikes can be left anywhere.

"That's what made me want to look at them because they were just sitting random places and I was like what the heck," Katelyn Joseph said.

While the bikes are a hit, leaving them anywhere could pose a problem.

"The only thing that I told the bike people is because my odd corner here, I have no sidewalk, so I said please don't put the bikes out there because there are no corners to pass," Carroll Huntress said.

Sugar Bowl owner Carroll Huntress loves the idea as long as they're not in the way. So far, so good.