Council approves Phoenix budget

The Phoenix City Council voted 6-3 to approve the city budget Tuesday. The centerpieces of the budget being pay and benefit restorations for city employees who had to take salary cuts during the economic downturn, body cameras for Phoenix Police officers, and possibly a property tax increase for homeowners.

The $1.22 billion budget proposed by City Manager Ed Zeurcher included a proposed .35 cent per dollar property tax increase. That would equal about $35 to $45 for homeowners per year. Vice Mayor Kate Gallego questioned the need for a property tax increase, the first since 1995.

"I do have concerns about a property tax. Working in economic development before I came here I don't think it's sends a great signal in that particular area. I've heard particularly from senior citizens concerned about this tax. So I'd like to look hard at that and make sure it's the right decision. I think there are other options on the table," said Kate Gallego.

Many question the increase because the City of Phoenix has a $60 million surplus and record high revenue this year.

So now it's up in the air until the budget is finalized on July 1.