Democratic State Representative, NRA hold free gun safety class for kids

State Representative for the 19th District, Diego Espinoza, contacted the school district in his area and set up a program sponsored by the National Rife Association (NRA) to teach kids gun safety.

While this may seem odd, it's important to note that nearly 6,000 children in the U.S. went to the emergency room for gun-related wounds from 2012 to 2014, according to a study published in the journal, "Pediatrics."

About 21 percent of those injuries were unintentional.

In those same two years, nearly 1,300 boys and girls were killed by guns, annually.

So to Espinoza and other business owners in the 19th district, it only makes sense to teach gun safety to kids, and to do it for free.

VIDEO: Fox 10's Anita Roman went out to the event to talk about why this topic is important to Espinoza, and more importantly, why kids need to learn how to operate a gun.