Doctors: young girl rejecting transplanted heart

It was a story that touched many: a mother listening to her son's donated heart, beating in the chest of a Phoenix girl named Jordan Drake.

Jordan, now five years old, is back in the Phoenix Children's Hospital, as doctors said her body is apparently rejecting the transplanted heart.

Jordan's story began in 2013, when Heather Clark made the decision to donate her seven-month-old son's organs. Her son, Lukas, passed away in June of that year. In January 2016, Clark got the chance to meet Jordan and her family, and hear his son's heart beating inside Jordan.

Things were going well for Jordan and her family since that emotional day, until last week, when Jordan started vomiting, and complaining of stomach pain.

Following tests, doctors at Phoenix Children's Hospital said Jordan's body is rejecting Lukas' heart. Jordan is now on an ECMO (Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machine, which is performing her heart and lung functions.

Despite the latest apparent setback, Jordan's parents are very upbeat and hopeful that doctors can stop the rejection, and get Jordan healthy once again.

"Just stay positive for Jordan," said Nolan Drake, Jordan's father. "She's always happy. Always in a good mood. Joyful."

To learn more about Jordan's story, click here. The family has also set up a GoFundMe acocunt.