Ex-Tempe police officer accused of taking undercover operation under the covers

The Tempe Police Department is dealing with a case of dangerous liaisons. One of its undercover officers is accused of having a sexual affair with a drug dealer she was investigating.

And these revelations have jeopardized not only her career, but exposed the months-long investigation.

The officer has resigned since she was confronted with the explosive allegations.

She was asked to be part of this operation because of her narcotics investigation experience, but she was asked to go undercover, not go under the covers.

"Pretty overwhelming.. can't grasp the whole thing yet." That's what Tempe Police officer Jessica Dever Jakusz said back in May before she was sent to Switzerland as part of an officer swap for a reality TV show.

But the fanfare from that day is gone after a police report released Monday alleging serious misconduct and possible criminal activity by Officer Dever Jakusz.

The report claims she had an ongoing sexual relationship with a drug dealer that she was investigating as part of a months-long undercover operation.

"We actually don't have any idea what we're going to be doing, so there's a lot of unknowns right now, so that's kind of exciting," she said in the interview.

The undercover investigation began shortly after the interview with FOX 10 about her upcoming reality show.

The investigation was looking into the sale of drugs like cocaine and the party drug "Molly" on Mill Avenue.

The report says she made several purchases from one unnamed dealer who later became her lover.

The two carried on the relationship for a couple of months, all while the undercover investigation was still going on.

On October 10th and during one of their sexual encounters, the report says Officer Dever Jakusz not only revealed to the drug dealer that she was a police officer, but also details of the department's undercover investigation.

Two days later, an anonymous source informed Tempe Police over Dever Jakusz's admission. And while police were questioning the drug dealer about the affair, he received a text message from the officer that read, "Let me know when you are home later.. if free will try to come by."

This officer now faces charges of hindering an investigation and possible other charges.

TPD issued a statement Monday night, saying these actions "are certainly not representative of the entire Tempe Police Department and each and every Tempe Police employee remains committed to our crime fighting mission."