Family of man killed at US Airways building upset no charges have been filed

It is a crime that shocked many this summer and left a family outraged and calling for justice. You might remember the stabbing inside the U.S. Airways Flight Training Center that killed a young simulator technician.

The person who stabbed him was a co-worker at the center, and that co-worker has not been charged in the death.

Phoenix Police released a report that shed light on what happened that morning inside the training center. Inside it details what started as an argument between Eric Kunins and George Hayes was over replacing bulbs on a screen, and that blew up into a confrontation. When it was over, 34-year-old Kunins was dead with a stab wound.

Eric Kunins had worked at the U-S Airways flight training facility for seven years. He worked the overnight shift as a technician maintaining the flight simulators pilots train on.

According to the police report before 4 a.m. during his shift on July 15th, Kunins got into an argument with fellow tech, 52-year-old George Hayes Junior.

In the report Hayes told investigators the men were arguing over where a lightbulb was placed in the stockroom when he says Kunins quote "blew up, hit him the face as Hayes fell back he says his right arm with the screwdriver came up striking Kunnis.

Police recovered a screwdriver like this from Hayes. Kunins died at the scene with a single puncture wound in his left side upper back according to the police report. His family, who live out of state say they are outraged no charges have been filed against Hayes.

"There is something wrong, you don't need witnesses, George Hayes admitted he stabbed Eric, it's in the police report, he admitted he stabbed him," said Howard Kunins.

Eric's friends have launched a Facebook page calling for justice. His brother Howard says they will continue to push for charges against George Hayes Junior.

"We've already started firing off letters to the Justice Department, the FBI, and a private investigator is looking into things, so we're not going to stop, and we're going to keep going until we get answers," said Howard.

The family has hired local attorney Benjamin Taylor; he says they are working to see that charges are filed.