Ford helps teach teen drivers important skills behind the wheel

PHOENIX, Ariz. (KSAZ) - Dozens of Valley teens got the lessons of a lifetime. Every year Ford Driving Skills for Life rolls into town hoping to teach teen drivers invaluable skills behind the wheel.

They say failing to prepare is preparing to fail. That's why Ford Driving Skills for Life targets teen drivers and hopes to give them experience in a safe, controlled environment.

Just ask high school senior Tressa Stevenson.

"I was a such a new driver when I did it I got to do everything for the first time, I had so much fun getting to do all of it in one day, I came home and got to tell my mom like mom I got to drive a mustang and drive while visually impaired, I had to do all these really fun experiences and like I had my permit for like 3 months it was just a great fun and I feel like we learned at the same time too," said Tressa Stevenson.

Tressa says she would recommend the class to all new drivers.

"I think that the skills you learn from this are super valuable, you learn how to handle different situations that you never know you might encounter on the road so its always better to be prepared," said Stevenson.

The program covers impaired driving, overcorrecting, distracted driving and more. Tressa's dad, Dennis, says he couldn't believe the course was free because the lessons are invaluable.

"It was great to see her in situations getting experience learning what she needs to do to be safe and it's all very, very practical kind of things, distracted driving, god forbid impaired driving, over steering or having a vehicle out of control, all of these are very real and I feel much better knowing that she's done a little bit of safe time getting ready for that," said Dennis Stevenson.

Program manager Nolan Katerberg says the response to the class has been incredible, some would say even life saving.

"We've been here in Phoenix for the last 10 years so we've had a lot of people whose siblings have come through now the younger kids are coming through and really it's a great opportunity for parents and teens to come out and we get testimonials all the time saying that something happened that was just like on the course and it saved my life today and that's exactly what we want to hear," said Nolan Katerberg.

To learn more about Ford Driving Skills for Life visit their website.