Former elementary school teacher arrested, accused of owning child porn

A former elementary school teacher is accused of having child porn on his computer. Police arrested 69-year-old William Baker on Thursday.

A couple of online tips came in early August, kicking off the investigation and ultimately leading Phoenix police to William Baker's home. What they say they found on his computer is disturbing.

Two cyber tips to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children led to William Baker in court. Investigators say Baker's IP address linked police to his home address before police used a search warrant. Neighbors woke up early Thursday morning, asking authorities about the police presence outside.

"[The police officer] says, 'Well, I can't really tell you what's going on, but it has something to do with children and computers,'" said Tim Guzek.

Court documents reveal Baker is a former teacher of the Tempe Union School District who worked at multiple elementary schools, including Southwest and Nevitt. Police say they found a large amount of content displaying child sexual exploitation on Baker's computer.

"It's kind of creepy that he was actually teaching children and he was into what he was into," said Kim Guzek. "It's scary."

"That's a big shock to me," said Mike Hennessey. "I would never have guessed that in a million years."

Baker wasn't home during the search, but police later arrested him in Chandler. Detectives are asking anyone who may have more information on Baker to call Silent Witness. 

Neighbors say Baker seemed nice and kept to himself.

"But that's the way life is today," Tim said. "You just don't know what goes on behind closed doors."

Baker's bond is $5,000 with mandatory electronic monitoring. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for Sept. 30.

*Editor's note: This story has been updated with new information from the Phoenix Police Department, which previously stated Baker was a former teacher with the Kyrene School District. "The Kyrene School District was listed in error as a past employment of William Baker on the form IV. The correct district was the Tempe Union School District," stated Sgt. Maggie Cox.