Foursquare: First Thursday in February is most popular day to fall off fitness wagon

Lance Tolbert is hardcore when it comes to working out.

"At least seven days a week, I went six last week, I fell off," he said.

A few years ago, Lance was diagnosed with kidney failure and skipped the gym for nine months. Getting back in was tough, and that's exactly why he knows not to give up.

"If you try to bite off too much, you're going to get too sore, then you're not going to want to go back," he said.

According to Foursquare city guide and swarm data, the first Thursday in February is when the company sees an uptick in check-ins at fast food joints and a downturn in visits to the gym.

"It is definitely a make it or break it moment, finding a reason to recommit to the goal to begin with,; why did I do it, some kind of accountability," said Jay Skarka with EOS Fitness.

Skarka, who's a general manager at EOS Fitness in downtown Phoenix, says a number of factors cause people to fall off the fitness wagon.

Going to the gym isn't quite habit yet. People are getting bored with their routines and there's no accountability.

Skarka says to plan your workouts in advance and follow a plan.

"You can see your progress and that's the most important," he said.

Kim Cornwall works out regularly and says have fun and let your progress be your motivation.

"I think as soon as your start to get a glimpse of a positive change or start to feel more energy, you're like, 'Oh, OK, that wasn't so bad,'" she said.