Friends and family remember Chandler teen

Lexi Schultz is a teen who died last week, and doctors are not sure what caused her death. Thursday would have been her 14th birthday, and her family and friends are holding a memorial as they wait for some answers.

Lexi was an 8th grader who loved to play volleyball and was a cheerleader. Her mother says she was wise beyond her years.

Family and friends say they want to do what Lexi always did, which was focus on the positive. As one of three kids, Lexi is leaving behind a legacy of light and love. She was compassionate and sensitive to others. A friend of the family told FOX 10 that Lexi was famous for saying "let your mind think before your tongue moves."

Now on what would have been a day of celebration, loved ones say their gift to Lexi is to keep her spirit alive.

The Lexi Schultz memorial fund is online at