Going "over the edge" in downtown Phoenix: Rapellers raise money for Special Olympics Arizona

It looked like super hero Saturday in downtown Phoenix on November 18 as nearly 100 people rapelled down skyscrapers, and it was all for a good cause.

The event is called "Over the Edge" – raising money – hanging by a limb.

Rappelling down 27 stories and 350 feet is no easy feat, but it can also be lots of fun.

"It's not scary or anything," said Jolene Moler. 

This is Jolene's second year going over the edge to benefit Special Olympics Arizona.

"I got to hear some of the athletes' stories, and they just go through a lot daily," she said.

Each rapeller has to raise $1,000 to go over the edge.

Director of event operations for Special Olympics Arizona, Shelby Evenson, says the event usually brings in more than $100,000 each year.

"We've got $90,000 today, so we raised over $90,000 with a couple other sponsors. With Pawlik's team, so we got over $120,000. A great day," she said.

State Representative Jennifer Pawlik was the first to suit up, go over the edge, and make it to the bottom.

"I feel hot.. I feel exhilarated having done that again, and you told me it's 350 feet, so that's really exciting," she said.

The rain did make things a little slicker this time around.

"It was really slick on the building, whereas last time I remember my feet could really hang onto the building," said Pawlik.

But the challenge made that landing all the more rewarding.