Landlord-tenant dispute over LGBT pride flag

A landlord-tenant dispute is happening in Tempe, and the gay pride flag is at the center of it. The renter was told he should take it down, that it might promote retaliation and cause harm to other tenants or their property.

Nano Rodriguez was told to remove the LGBT pride flag.

"I just want to fly my flag and not be antagonized or feel personally threatened," said Nano Rodriguez.

Rodriguez started flying his flag after the mass shooting in Orlando.

"To me, it was comforting, it allowed me to show solidarity, and be comforted somehow by displaying my pride," said Rodriguez.

It was July 1 when he went to pay rent, and the landlord told him this. "That my rainbow flag that I was displaying I was indeed something that should not be displayed. That if I wanted to support that I should keep it to a pride parade or something like that," he said.

After a few conversations and text messages, his landlord gave him a letter saying his lease terms prohibit flying flags, and the property should be kept clean, safe, and carefully maintained.

She admits in the letter this doesn't specifically refer to pride flags, but the nature of the flag could, unfortunately, promote negative reactions and possibly harmful retaliation to tenants and property.

Rodriguez says if it clearly stated in the lease terms he couldn't fly this flag or any other flag he would gladly take it down, but after reviewing the terms, he believes it's within his legal right to keep it flying.

"I felt like the vaguely worded Claus was just setting put together, not clearly illustrating why," said Rodriguez.

FOX 10 reached out to the landlord for comment but did not hear back.