Maricopa police officers fatally wound man at his residence
We're learning more about a man who died in an officer-involved shooting in Maricopa.
The Department of Public Safety identified the man as 32-year-old Jonathan Guillory. His family says he is an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran who suffered from PTSD.
Guillory left behind a wife and two kids. The shooting happened outside the family home in Maricopa after police say they received a series of 911 calls, all hang ups.
Maricopa Police say Guillory had a weapon and officer felt their lives were in danger. Jonathan's wife says that's not the man she married.
"He was the life of the party what he wanted was to smile, have fun, you name it," said Maria Guillory. But then loved ones say Jonathan did three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, and returned suffering from PTSD. "It was a whole other person, I have been with him for 11 years, he was not the same."
Jonathan's family doesn't blame the police for yesterday's tragic officer-involved shooting, but they say nobody gave him the help he so desperately needed.
"He did not deserve to die, he was on his knees begging for help, and called every crisis center, suicide hotline, VA counseling every day this week trying to get some help," said Adele Chacon.
"Help veterans, my husband pleaded and we did not get support we needed, I begged and pleaded with families with veterans, it is a horrible, horrible disease, and it takes it's toll on every person who is around them," said Maria Guuillory.
The family is now trying to figure out how they can come up with the money for funeral expenses for Jonathan Guillory.