Mick Jagger, Dave Grohl collaborate on pandemic anthem about coming out of COVID-19 lockdown

FILE - Side-by-side photo collage of Mick Jagger (L) and Dave Grohl (R). (Elisabetta A. Villa &)
NEW YORK - Mick Jagger and Dave Grohl have teamed up for a hard-rock pandemic anthem called "Eazy Sleazy."
"It’s a song that I wrote about coming out of lockdown, with some much needed optimism," Jagger said in a statement Tuesday. "Thanks to Dave Grohl for jumping on drums, bass and guitar. It was a lot of fun working with him."
The duo recorded the song and video in different studio locations — Jagger at home and Grohl in the Foo Fighters studio — and the lyrics mention "prison walls," "virtual premieres," numbers that are "grim" and Zoom calls. Jagger complains: "I've got nothing left to wear."
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The song also name-checks Bill Gates, lampoons conspiracy theories and those who deny climate change and gleefully reveals "there's aliens in the deep state."
But there seems to be hope. Jagger looks ahead and sees a "garden of earthly delights" when vaccines are administered and lockdown ends.
"Everything’s gonna get really freaky/Alright on the night/Soon it’ll be a memory/You’re trying to remember to forget."