Minnesota restaurant posts 'Muslims get out' sign

A restaurant owner in Minnesota says he's taking a stand following the stabbing incident at a mall in St. Cloud by posting a message on the sign outside of his restaurant that reads "Muslims Get Out."

The other side of the sign reads "In support of St. Cloud."

Passersby will spot it outside Treats Family Restaurant in Lonsdale.

"It's time that people started standing up, not worrying about the PC crowd and do what is right. And I feel what we're doing is right. We are not targeting the Muslims in general, just the extremists. And that's all I can say. It's my right and I'm gonna stand up, and I wish more people would do it," said Dan Ruedinger.

Payton Estepp, who is protesting the sign said, "I get it, it's his right to say what he wants to say, but that's giving Londsale a bad rap to everyone that drives by on 19, which is a very busy road, so people are going to see that and they're going to think Lonsdale as a whole, as a community, is as crass as that sign."

Ruedinger says he has received backlash, but also an increase in business -- so much so that he's had to call in three extra workers.

Ruedinger posted the message following the stabbing attack in St. Cloud that happened on September 17th. A man dressed in a private security guard uniform entered the Crossroads Center Mall and stabbed nine people.

Witnesses say the suspect made references to Allah and asked at least one victim if he or she was Muslim before stabbing the person.