Motorcycle crash survivor calls on riders to be more aware on the road

PHOENIX (FOX 10) -- Families are heartbroken after two deadly motorcycle crashes over the weekend, and the accidents have reignited the discussion of motorcycle safety in Valley roadways.

Now, one motorcyclist is taking that to heart after his own near-death experience, and has a message for other riders about things they can do to keep themselves and others safe.

Jeremy Ogle started riding motorcycles since he was 10 years old, bragging that he's logged over 100,000 miles (160,934.4 km). He loved the daredevil lifestyle, as well as taking risks.

"Didn't think of any consequences," said Ogle. "I was just there for the thrills, so speeding, doing wheelies, not thinking about myself or others."

However, that all changed nearly four years ago, after he was involved in a crash that took his arm, and nearly took his life.

"I had been drinking. 100% should not have been on my bike," said Ogle.

Ogle said his father would always tell him about wearing proper protective gear before even hopping on a bike. That night, he didn't listen to his dad, and he was riding drunk with no helmet on, before realizing the impact his choice would have on him and his family.

"How do you pick up an infant with one arm in a proper, safe manner, let alone your own child?" said Ogle.

Ogle found Crossfit as not only a way to recover, but as a way to escape that daredevil lifestyle and become and more productive and stable fixture in his daughter's life.

"A parent in general, you gotta hold your child," said Ogle. "Well, now I have one arm, and the way that I have to hold her, it's just a static hold. A seven pound, six ounce baby used to give me a hard time."

Ogle hopes his story will show other riders the importance of having the right mindset, and be aware of their surroundings. Now with his focus on his daughter's life, Ogle says it's critical that motorcyclists understand that they have a responsibility on the road, just like any other driver, and they are putting lives in danger anytime they decide not to follow the rules of the road.

"It's not worth the momentary thrills to ride stupid, because not only are you putting your own life at risk, you're putting everyone else on the road at risk," said Ogle.