New Mesa solar exhibit teaches kids about space
MESA, Ariz. (KSAZ) - It's an exhibit that's out of this world.
"It really is about blasting off and enjoying what you imagine, I mean you go outside, you look up to the stars and it's just wonderful," Yevette Armendariz said.
The i.d.e.a. Museum in Mesa has brought outer space indoors with their new interactive display "Far Out: Our Solar System."
Those with the museum say it's perfect timing, too.
"It falls during a time where NASA just celebrated their 60th anniversary, the moon landings next year, so kids are kind of geared up for like everything space," Armendariz said.
Rebekah Jennings has been taking her children to the museum for the last 15 years and says it's exhibits like this that keep them coming back for more.
"The kids come home inspired to think about new things with new art projects and to play with each other in different ways," she said.
Jennings says there's always something new, different, and exciting to try.
"So far, these kids are loving right here this VR," she said. "They've never used them before, so they're experimenting with that."
The virtual reality goggles are a universal hit with different experience options, like riding a rollercoaster, but a word from the experts is it's so real you might not want to eat lunch right before!
"I felt sick when I went on the roller coaster cause like, I would move around with it and it was like crazy, like it really felt like I was on a roller coaster," Avery Jennings said.