Package theft suspect caught on camera in Laveen

Package theft around the holidays is, unfortunately, something people hear about every year. For 2017, however, it started early in one Laveen neighborhood.

A potential thief was caught on camera going through a package. When FOX 10 Phoenix found the suspect, he said he was "being stupid".

The man was caught on a homeowner's surveillance system, going through their Amazon package that was left at their door. He's shown opening it up and discarding the box, but he didn't take it

"It was really kind of surprising," said Vickie Mionskowski. The incident happened at her house. She filed a police report and took to her neighborhood watch's Facebook page, where others spotted the potential package pillager.

"People saw the guy walking in the neighborhood," said Mionskowski. "We were actually able to get a clearer shot from somebody else, and noticed that he had a company shirt on."

Ironically, the man in the video was going door-to-door, selling security systems for Envision Security. He had only been employed for five days, and reportedly passed a background check.

Envision's owner has since fired the man, and apologized to the Laveen community, in a heartfelt Facebook post, as soon as he learned about it.

"Never had anything like this happen," said Darryl Johnson. "We try to vet the process as much as possible. We just never know when someone's going to make a bad decision. We try to rectify it, and that's what I tried to do."

The man from the video has not been arrested, but police confirmed there was a report filed, and they are looking in to it.