Phoenix-area LGBTQ community calls for inclusion after reported Golden Margarita incident

A reported assault on a group of gay men in a Phoenix nightclub has sparked outrage among many in the LGBTQ community, saying the police department and restaurant security did not do enough to investigate or prevent the assault.

That alleged assault happened at the Golden Margarita Nightclub. Days later, many in the community are calling for change.

Representatives from the Unity Collective are speaking out after they say a group of gay men were assaulted in a bar.

"What happened here is a travesty. It needs to be taken care of appropriately," says Kenneth Smith, leader of Unity Collective, also housing chair for NAACP, at a Saturday, April 17 press conference.

According to an Instagram post from the page "gayprideapparrel," the men were attacked by straight men because of their sexual orientation.

Smith says one of the alleged attackers went up to a man in that group, telling him that he "does not belong here" and then hit him on the side of the head.

One of the men reported that his attacker did have a gun that he was about to pull out before someone started screaming for help. He alleges that people there were laughing instead of helping.

"I call out establishments and other establishments like the Golden Margarita to make us inclusive, does not mean once a month making a LGBTQI spectacle, inclusive means protecting everybody, protecting your patrons, that is inclusivity," Smith said.

The Golden Margarita responded to the incident in a separate Instagram post, saying, "Here at The Golden Margarita we are big on having an open environment welcoming all people from all walks of life. We do not and will never discriminate against anybody, either it be for their sexual orientation or racial background."

Now unity members are calling for more action and understanding.

"It is not enough to come to a problem with complaints. We need to come with solutions, so I say to the Phoenix Police Department, let us come together, have conversations ..."