San Diego Padres pitcher arrested, accused of crawling through doggy door of Peoria home

 A San Diego Padres player gets kicked in the face and tased by a homeowner after he allegedly tried to enter the home through a dog door.

Early Sunday morning, police arrested Jacob Nix, along with a minor league player who was with him, after police say he crawled through the doggy door of a Peoria home. According to court documents, Nix first entered the homeowner’s fenced yard at around 3:30 a.m..

Jacob Nix

Police say as Nix was crawling through the doggie door, the homeowner kicked him in the face. That's when police say Thomas Cosgrove, a minor league baseball player who was with Nix, reached in to help pull him back out. The documents say while the two were running away, the homeowner tased Nix, striking him in the back.

Thomas Cosgrove

Nix and his friend were arrested nearby.

According to the Arizona Fall League's website, Nix is listed on the roster for the Peoria Javelinas.

Meanwhile, the San Diego Padres have released a statement, saying they are aware of the alleged incident involving Nix. Team officials went on to say they are taking matters seriously, and have been in contact with the Commissioner's office and local authorities. Due to legal proceedings, they will not comment any further.

Nix's preliminary hearing is scheduled for October 16.