Video of August's violent Donald Trump rally protest released

New video of protestors clashing with Phoenix Police, during a President Donald Trump rally back in August, have been released.

The ACLU of Arizona filed a lawsuit against the police department, in an effort to get the video released.

The police department has asserted they were attacked first, by protestors who threw bottles and rocks. In a video, items were seen being thrown at officers on one side of the street. At first, it appears to be gas canisters, and then more items, all coming from the side which appears to be full of protesters.

Officials said protestors also tried to breach a fence, and that's when officers decided to use pepper balls, tear gas, and flash bangs to try and get the crowds to leave.

Phoenix Police Chief Jerry Williams has backed the actions of her officers, since that night.

"It was never anyone's intent to hurt anyone in the crowd," said Williams. "What we were trying to do is gain control."

The department is assuring the public that officers did not use excessive force, as protestors complain that officers used excessive force that night.

However, in one video, officers were heard saying "scumbag that guy". The video was taken from the body camera of an officer, captured from moments of what sounds like flash bangs being deployed.

Cheers from officers followed.

"That'll teach him," said one person.

An ongoing internal investigation is underway.