Arizona teachers demand better pay, benefits during protest outside Phoenix radio station

Arizona teachers spoke out once again on Monday, demanding better pay and benefits.

Late Monday afternoon, a big group of teachers and education supporters protested outside the studios of KTAR-FM, where Governor Doug Ducey was doing an interview.

(Can't see the Facebook video? Click here)

The protest was part of the #RedforED movement that began last week in Arizona, in the wake of a teacher strike in West Virginia.

Teachers in the state say they can't afford to live on their currant salaries, and there's even growing talk of a possible teacher strike. On Monday, many teachers wanted to make sure the Governor heard their concerns.

"I've been teaching for 17 years and I have a master's degree and I can barely afford paycheck to paycheck," said Lisa Vaaler.

The #RedforED movement mobilized on social media, and many demanded a plan from the Governor on how the state was going to provide more money.

"I spend probably about $300 a year on my own supplies for my students," said Vaaler.

The governor responded to the crowd on a KTAR radio program, where he said he is in agreement with the teachers, and that they are going through with a budget project, to ensure more money gets to teachers.

Supporters of the group Arizona Educators United say without adequate pay, the teacher shortage in the state will continue. The state ranks at or near the bottom for teacher pay, when cost of living is factored in.

"I haven't gotten a decent raise in 10 years," said Vaaler. "This last year, we got a 1.5 percent. Ducey says we get 9 percent. No we do not."

Next up for the #RedforED movement is a march onto the State Capitol at the end of this month.