Balloon animal club gaining popularity at Valley school

There are so many clubs at schools for students to choose from, but one club at a Valley school is getting very popular and educators are pretty pleased.

This is no ordinary club. This is a balloon animal club at Archway Classical Academy Lincoln, a great art school in Gilbert.  It was started by Ms. Laura Hall, the Latin teacher. 

"This is kind of a secret talent I had," said Laura Hall. "I guess I developed it in high school and earned quite a bit of money to put myself through college with it."

She decided to why not try and make it an extracurricular activity.

"It's a club that's offered Tuesday afternoons and it's an opportunity for the kids to just relax after a long academic day, kind of balances out the more rigorous academics at the school," said Hall. 

The kids love it. 

The teachers love the fact that kids are being creative and learning hand-eye coordination and dexterity, while the kids, well they just love creating stuff.

They expect the club to be even bigger next year.