CDC unveils new guidelines for flu shots
PHOENIX (KSAZ) - This year, there are new guidelines to getting a flu shot and it's in accordance with recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Bette Sowell has gotten the flu every year for the past few decades.
"I think it probably helps in a lot of the fighting off, a lot of the little cold and flu type symptoms," she said. "And I wait until October because I think then if there are going to be any changes in it, they've already changed it."
Last year many people got hit with the flu and Dr. Johnston says this year isn't looking any better. She says every year the shot changes and this year they've added a vaccine.
"There's a new vaccine this year, it's called the quadrivalent vaccine, so that means that it protects against four different flu viruses, two influenza A and two influenza B," she said.
Another change is the flu mist is no longer an option. This year, everyone has to get the shot form.
"CDC has recommended no more spray this year and that was a good option for people who were scared of getting a shot, but they found out that it just wasn't effective," Dr. Johnson said.
This news is fine with Bette.
"I've only had just the shot," she said.
Dr. Johnson recommends everyone get a flu shot who is above the age of 6 months -- this includes pregnant women. She says those who shouldn't get a flu shot include people with severe egg allergies and those who are already sick with the flu.