Couple returns lost wallet to veteran in Gilbert: 'Couldn't thank them enough'

Losing a wallet is a huge inconvenience and if you do lose it, you hope someone will return it, and that's exactly what a couple did in Gilbert when they found a U.S. Navy veteran's wallet.

This all happened on May 16 when Jaala James found the wallet in the parking lot and returned it later that day. She says she was just doing what anyone would do.

A fun day at Fat Cats with the family turned stressful for veteran Chris Lane who couldn't find his wallet anywhere.

"We got home and realized it wasn't at home either, so panic started to set in at that time," Lane said. "It was the night before I would go for my next round of chemotherapy, so it's the last thing I wanted to deal with before chemo."

The feeling of panic turned into shock just a few minutes later.

"I'm freezing my cards, and 10 minutes later, I get a ring at the door," Lane said.

Jaala was at her nephew's birthday party with her boyfriend when she stumbled upon the wallet, but couldn't find Lane at Fat Cats.

"On our way home, let's just stop and see if this was the right address, and that it was the correct information, and thank goodness it was, she said.

Jaala and her boyfriend Dante drove out of their way to return the wallet.

"When they came up, they saw that he was a veteran on his license and said ‘thank you for your service,’ and then they gave him his wallet, and then I came home and was like, 'you didn't get their names?' and he was like, ‘no, I was so shocked,’" said Marcie, Lane's wife.

A day later, they're meeting again through the power of social media.

"Thankfully we found her, and she's an angel, and we're just grateful that kind people exist in the world," Marcie said.

A simple gesture that went a long way for the Lane family.

"I was pleasantly surprised, and I couldn't thank them enough for what they did," Lane said.