Dress for Success helps turns the lives around of valley women

In a room filled with bargains, we found a woman filled with gratitude.

"Well, I mean, I've had my shares of ups and downs," Dress for Success ambassador Sandra Orozco said. "I've overcame addiction. I made some bad choices that landed me in trouble. I paid my dues, I turned my life around, I've been clean for 11 years."

Sandy says it was with the help of Dress for Success., the non-profit organization that puts together the sale that's happening today.

The money raised at the sale will go towards programs to help women get back on their feet and they do that in part by getting them back into the work force.

"I now work for the federal government with an adjudicated background," she said. "I've bought my own home and brand new car."

Lisa Doromal founded the organization from her passion for helping others and for fashion.

"Sandy is just one of hundreds of women who walk through our doors and are broken," she said.

Although a professional outfit can go a long way, she says Dress for Success takes it even further.

"We provide the programs to help women get employed, but we also provide the job retention programs to help them stay employed and elevate their careers," she said.

Everything, either new or gently used, and all of it perfect for work.

"It's completely affordable," Doromal said. "Prices ranges from $5, 8, 10 to 20."

That money has helped women like Sandy become independent and one of the organization's ambassadors, which is an opportunity that she says is nothing short of invaluable.

"It's all about building your self-esteem, knowing you're not alone and that you can't do it and you're able to succeed one way or another," she said.