Fundraising campaign for "Sarver Out" t-shirts now underway

PHOENIX (KSAZ) -- A Phoenix Suns fan is still blaming the NBA team's troubles on its owner, Robert Sarver.

A year ago, the fan raised enough money to put up billboards calling for Sarver's exit. Now, the fan has a fundraising campaign to make t-shirts with the same message.

Alex Smith, a devoted Phoenix Suns fan, is still calling on Sarver to sell the team. After Monday's firing of the team's manager, Ryan McDonough, Smith started a GoFundMe page to raise money to buy t-shirts with the hashtag #SarverOut.

"I'm trying to raise $2,500. It's all going to go towards purchasing the #SarverOut T-Shirts," said Smith.

Smith plans to pass them out at home games. He said he has no personal issues with Saver, but he wants a better for the team, and most of all, for the fans.