Gov. Ducey approves $300k for domestic violence shelters

Domestic violence shelters across the state are getting help just in time for the holidays. Governor Doug Ducey released almost $300,000 in funding for the shelters.

"The fact we have more money coming into the issue of domestic violence is always a benefit, and it benefits the whole state," said Patricia Klahr.

Klahr is the CEO of Chrysalis, a domestic violence shelter that houses men, women, and children.

The holidays are always a busy time of year for them, and the Governor's move to free up more than a quarter of a million dollars is welcome news.

"Well I think what it is showing is that he is paying attention, he is listening to people, he is listening to the state coalition. He is listening to community providers, and saying more money needs to go into this issue in order to help save lies, and change the services that are out there," said Klahr.

The domestic violence shelter fund serves 32 shelters in 13 counties statewide. The money comes in from various state and local fees and is capped at $2.2 million, but this year more money came in.

In a statement Governor Ducey said, "Rather than let this money sit unused in an account, we should put it to good use - by providing additional services to victims of domestic violence who often struggle to meet basic needs as they rebuild their lives. There's no better time than the season of giving and goodwill to make this happen."

It's a much appreciated move as shelters like Chrysalis prepare to host Christmas for domestic violence victims.

"We just spoil them and have so much, it is a really happy spirit during the holiday. Even though it is very sad spirit, we want to try to life them up as much we can make them kind of forget about what they may not be getting," said Klahr.