Mosquitoes jeopardize blood donation supply
AUSTIN, TX - Usually you hold a press conference to announce you're running for office- or to resign after a scandal. But sometimes you hold one to urge the public not to get bitten by mosquitoes. In Austin, TX, a blood bank partnered with a pest control service for the "Bite Back" campaign.
Everyone hates mosquitoes and the fear of Zika only makes it worse. Now it's a matter of public health.
Blood banks have had to turn away donors who don't even have Zika because of where they have traveled. In order to have a healthy blood supply, you need healthy donors- and donation centers are already struggling to keep up with demand. Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Five million patients will need blood this year- so every drop counts.
Austin isn't an active transmission site- but there have been 33 reported cases of Zika. The mosquitoes that carry the virus are local- the kind living in backyards.
Americans need to avoid getting bitten like it's their job. Here's how: use bug spray. Be vigilant all day- not just at dawn and dusk. If you're spending time outside, wear pants and long sleeves. And if that sounds like too much work, just stay indoors, by the A/C all summer long.