New images and dedicated tipline set up in case of woman found in landfill
BARTOW COUNTY, Ga. - Investigators released a new image of a tattoo belonging to the woman whose remains were found in a Bartow County Landfill on Monday. Detectives hope the tattoo will lead to the discovery of the victim's identity.
The tattoo was located on the woman's right wrist area and is believed to be the Japanese symbol for bravery.
Wednesday, the Bartow County Sheriff's Office released a photo of another tattoo, this one of a heart and flowers which was located on the victim's chest. Law enforcement described them as two Easter lilies and a sacred heart. Investigators also released a Georgia Bureau of Investigation sketch.
RELATED: Sheriff: Death of woman found in landfill was 'violent homicide'
According to Bartow Sheriff Clark Millsap, the remains are those of a white woman, between 5'2" and 5'6" tall, weighing about 150 pounds with brown or red hair.
A sanitation worker found the woman's remains in the dumpster at around 12:15 Monday afternoon when he went to drop off the contents at the landfill.
Deputies are not sure when the woman was killed, but they do believe her remains were placed in a dumpster at the county recycling center located on Cedar Creek Road around 5:30 p.m. Saturday. There are no surveillance cameras at the facility.
The Sheriff's Office has set up a dedicated tip line for any information on this case at 770-387-5100. They also want anyone who used the trash facility on Cedar Creek Road Saturday afternoon to give them a call.
Friday night, investigators set up a digital sign on Highway 41, with photos of the tattoos and the tipline number on it. Linda Irwin saw the sign as she was driving by. She thinks it will help.
"It draws people's attention who otherwise might not think about it. I hope this is resolved soon and the woman's family can get some closure," said Irwin.
RELATED: Deputies: Dismembered body found at Bartow County Landfill