OdySea Aquarium unveils new shark exhibit
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. KSAZ) - Did you know that a shark can lose up to 30,000 teeth in its lifetime and can live up to an average of up to 20 years?
Those are facts you can learn through the month of July, which happens to be "Shark Month" at the OdySea Aquarium.
"A lot of people don't really know about sharks," said David Peranteau, director of animal care and conservation at the OdySea Aquarium. "They actually have misconceptions about these animals, so we're celebrating sharks. We have 13 species here at OdySea, well over 40 sharks."
The celebration, according to Peranteau, means more sharks.
"We have five different species," he said. "These are a little bit more odd than people think. These are called catsharks and we have two species of bamboo sharks. We have an epaulette shark, a zebra Shark. These animals are all Indo-Pacific, they're from the Indo-Pacific region and they spend most of their time on the bottom. A lot of them are nocturnal, they usually eat crustaceans or small fishes."
Special seminars will be held all month at the top of the hour right in front of the shark tank so people can learn all about them.
"They're just swimming around," 9-year-old Amy Leham said.
The OdySea Aquarium opens every single day of the year. Hours vary and that includes tomorrow, the Fourth of July.