Protests outside Tempe Union High School District headquarters over return to school plans

Schools across the country are struggling to come up with plans to teach students while keeping them safe, while at the same time satisfying parents.

That’s what’s happening at the Tempe Union High School District in the East Valley, where the school board met to determine what school will look like during the fall, as protesters gather outside.

Plans call for four days of classes

TUHSD is offering two options for the fall semester: either four days of online classes, or three days online and one day at school. The four-day lesson plan was built around student safety first.

District officials say they’ve had their thinking caps on, planning since April. They followed CDC and state guidelines, and did their homework as well, surveying parents and teachers.

Protesters accuse school district of failing its students

Parents, meanwhile, started discussing the issue online, and the next thing they knew, they had formed a Facebook group called "Keep Our Kids in School.”

As the school board meeting was closed to the public due to COVID-19, parents end even some students took to the streets, saying the district is failing its students.

"I just feel the education will be lost. Won’t get one-on-one time with teachers. Our social life does matter, but it’s more about education right now," said student Piper Allen.

"Students are not that susceptible. They’re not gonna get the coronavirus that bad. It’s people my age and older," said protester Susan Silva Silcock

Protesters are just as worried about the learning curve, as flattening the curve.

"There are certainly concerned about safety, that’s paramount," said parent Lori Eastian. "But there are essential businesses that have to be taken care of, and education is one of them."

The protest was short-lived, as it was over in less than an hour. Meanwhile, a decision could be reached Wednesday, or board officials can try again in July.