Victim reacts at alleged lack of action taken by police after crash
CHARLOTTE, NC (WJZY) - Imagine getting into a minor car accident and the person who hit you appears to be on drugs. You call the police who arrive on scene, but nothing is done about it.
That's what Latasha Mcilwaine says happened to her.
Mcilwaine says a woman hit her parked car in a gas station parking lot. She captured the entire incident on cell phone video. What concerns Mcilwaine is what happened while her camera was rolling.
"She just kept going in and out," Mcilwaine said.
The woman, whose identity has not been released, reportedly got out of the car and could barely stand up straight. Mcilwaine described her as someone on drugs; her mannerisms unstable and impaired.
Mcilwaine says she called police, who came to fill out a crash report, but says that's all they did. She says the woman was displaying signs of clear intoxication, but that no charges were filed and not arrest was made. Instead, a family member was called to pick the woman up and her car was towed away.
"Clearly this is a DWI and she hit my vehicle. Whatever needs to be done, needs to be done."
So, Mcilwaine turned to FOX 46 Charlotte to help her get results.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police could not comment on what happened, but it turns out the woman in the video was arrested in 2015 for DWI. In that incident, a judge dismissed the case.
CMPD also has specific drug specialist officers who would typically respond to a situation where it appears a person or driver is under the influence. However, that officer was not called out.
Mcilwaine has filed a formal complaint against the officer who responded in the hopes of keeping drivers like the one in the video off the road.
Look for the full report Tuesday on FOX 46 News at 10 p.m.