Why aren't more people wearing masks?

As coronavirus cases surge in many parts of the country, officials are urging or even requiring people to wear a mask.

At least 20 states now mandate face coverings in public where social distancing isn't possible.

"The evidence could not be clearer. Wearing a mask is not only safe but it is necessary to avoid another shutdown," said Kansas Governor Laura Kelly.

While a growing body of research shows face masks can help curb the spread of COVID-19, many people have refused to wear one, saying it infringes on personal liberties.

One group in Sanford, Florida even held a protest against a mask mandate there.

"This is not about whether or not if you're for masks or against masks, it's about you doing what's in the best interest for your family, for your community, but you making that decision," said Abraham Lopez, an organizer of the protest.

Masks opponents argue it violates their freedom, but officials say wearing one will actually give people more freedom, by preventing transmission and allowing businesses to reopen.

"As much as none of us like this, just try to be patient and doing the right things, if we adhere what the doctors are telling us, doing the right things will get us out of this quicker than not doing it," said Seminole County Commissioner Jay Zembower.

It's not just the public health crisis to consider. A study from Goldman Sachs finds a national mask mandate could also help the economy and potentially substitute for renewed lockdowns.

Continuing Coverage


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LIST: Arizona cities with face mask requirements

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