Brooklyn mom, daughter describe escaping Harvey

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A New York City mother and daughter had a frightening end to their trip to Texas when they got caught in Hurricane Harvey.

Derika Abraham and her daughter, 6-year-old Sophia Iroh, had a harrowing experience trying to flee from the flooding in Texas.

"I've never been so scared in my life," Abraham says. "At one point I got down on my knees and just started praying."

The pair were in Texas visiting relatives and were at a hotel that started to flood. The elevators were turned off and everyone was moved to the second floor of the hotel.

They made it to their relatives' home and plotted an escape. When they left the water was already up to the bottom of their car door.

Her daughter did not become scared during the event.

"You just have to stay confident and and you have to stay positive," Iroh said.

As for what the people of Texas are still going through, Abraham says, "My heart goes out to all of the people that are still there, that actually have homes there and their homes are ruined."