Arizona Science Center offers free weekly lesson plans for kids

With many parents taking on the added role of educator while schools are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Arizona Science Center is offering free, weekly lesson plans for students.

"We are happy to continue living our mission to inspire, educate those curious minds," said Sari Custer from the Arizona Science Center. "Just because the Science Center is closed, doesn't mean the science has to stop."

Parents have now had to pivot to become educators, which can be difficult and overwhelming - but the Science Center says they're hoping to relieve a bit of that stress.

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"Each week we're providing 150 minutes of content, science lessons all related to Arizona state science standards," said Custer.

They're also holding livestreams filled with demos, experiments and literacy activities.

The website has been broken up into sections for parents, students and educators with different resources to cater to their needs.