K-9 unit at HonorHealth helps keep their hospitals across the Valley safe

It is Patient Safety Week, and HonorHealth hospitals have a program where K9 officers patrol their campuses to keep their staff, patients, and families safe.

There are 17 K9 and officer pairs, and they patrol to keep campuses safe from any intruders or threats.

"You bring safety on the outside of the hospital, and safety inside for the patients of the staff," said James Marconato.

The K9 officers have a schedule, checking inside the hospital as well as the perimeter, and they provide an extra sense of security to their human counterparts when they come across intruders.

"How you pick that up is his ears are going to perk, his body is going to change, and the advantage is something that is on the other side of that corner, so you will be more cautious going around that corner," said Marconato.

The K9 security officers are also on a rigorous training schedule. They are trained with decoys, so they are always brushing up on their skills.

"We will hide them in the area," said Marconato. "We do hot starts, which means the decoy first, and the decoy runs and hides, and the concept of he is running and hiding.?"

When the officers are with their K9, they say it allows them to de-escalate situations, which ultimately creates a safer place for all involved.

This program is all made possible by HonorHealth’s foundation and donors. They have been able to grow by adding more dogs, their training, and their patrols.
