Tempe couple helps train shelter dogs to become more adoptable
TEMPE, Ariz. -- Did you know that more than half of the dogs in shelters don't end up finding forever homes? That's typically because they're sick, aggressive or injured. Now an Arizona couple wants to change that statistic, one dog at a time.
Kate Kaurich and Corey Welch says they immediately bonded on their first date because of one common denominator: their love of animals. That inspired them to go above and beyond by training some of the dogs at the Arizona Animal Welfare League to become more adoptable.
Corey has loved animals since an early age. His fiance, Kate, started working at AAWL says she told him about the dogs like Lance.
"Lance was so fearful. When he was in his kennel, he would either retreat to the outside of the kennel, away from people walking by him or he would bark," she said.
However, when she would spend one-on-one time with him, he was the most lovable dog. So she and Corey, who happens to be a professional dog trainer, decided to join the shelter's foster program.
"A lot of dogs aren't given the chance to be the good dog that they could be."
Corey is also the owner of Dog's Eye View Training. The first dog he worked with was that very dog Kate fell in love with -- Lance.
"Lance.. we had the longest and definitely needed the most work, but he's made huge strides."
AAWL says the work Corey is doing goes well above what others are doing.
"More than just the staff and volunteers.. he's working through obedience, he's working through confidence, he's working on these great life skills that these dogs are going to need," said AAWL spokesperson Michael Morefield.
Almost two months later, Lance was finally adopted. He's now with his new owner, Wesley Kress.
"I had a Doberman growing up and so have some experience with dogs and Lance has been the most well-behaved dog I've ever owned," said Wesley.
If you would like to foster a pet, you can contact the AAWL and sign up for their volunteer program.