ASU engineering students show off inventions

Two semesters worth of work came down to Friday.

Students with Arizona State University's school of engineering showed off their inventions that could some day change lives.

From a low-cost device, to a water purifier, to a new way to protect your electronics at home.

Some of the projects range from practical to fun, but all of them show off an impressive amount of skill that professor Michael Kozicki sees from his students every year.

"I've traveled the world, I've seen electrical engineering programs all over the place and our seniors are easily a match for any country, any university," he said. "We're extremely proud."

Some seniors will even get their projects funded and sold to the public, but today, it's about getting a passing grade before moving on to engineering success.

"They end up going out and making a lot more money than me and that's very successful as fare as I'm concerned," Kozicki said.

Team Carmen Blackwell