Butterfly Wonderland celebrates retirement of pest control chickens Fern and Daisy

If you've ever stopped by at Butterfly Wonderland in Scottsdale, you've probably seen Fern and Daisy.

Fern and Daisy are pest control chickens at the butterfly exhibit. 

They have been working hard for about seven years and now they are heading back to the farm where they were hatched for a glorious retirement.

"They're very special and very unique," said Derek Kellogg, director of animal care at Butterfly Wonderland.

How did they celebrate at the exhibit?

People stopped by Butterfly Wonderland throughout the day to sign a retirement card and celebrate Fern and Daisy because they'll likely never again see chickens quite like these again.

"These are two very unique chickens so most people will tell you that most chickens will be apt to take a butterfly now and again. These guys just leave the butterflies alone," Kellogg said.

"We will miss them. This is going to be an emotional day for a lot of our staff here but they are going to a very good place."