Old Arizona mine turned into cannabis cultivation facility

Welcome to a cannabis nursery.

It's hot and humid, just like the baby pot plants like it, and it's guarded by loving gardeners every step of the way.

"This was just a weird and strange opportunity," Adam Chistofferson said. "I took a chance on it, and I love it."

As the plants grow, they move to a dozen different rooms – all under one roof.

High-tech machines mimic day and night, and all four seasons. 

Light, heat and humidity – perfect conditions for each stage of life.

"We’re just a bunch of farmers, but we have a roof over our head and a bunch of fancy equipment," Cody Phillips said. "But that's about it."

The entire process takes four to five months, producing 800 pounds of product a week.

But the industry is lacking in one way – women. It's something the head of retails is working on.

"And educating women on cannabis, that it is not a stoner thing," said Greta Brandt, president of The Flower Shop. "You’re not lazy because you consume it. I consume it and I’m not lazy."

Finally, each plant is hung out to dry. Then pulled apart and packaged for public consumption – cashing in on the cannabis craze, and giving a little boost to a small town.

Just ask a hometown boy who works here.

"The town has been seeing a lot more patronage to a restaurant in our stores and gas stations," Nathaniel Lopez said. "It's with the local economy needs."

Seventy-five people work here, plus the town has set up a committee to attract more business and breathe new life into the once-dying town of San Manuel.